Life-changing financial podcasts to listen to on your break

Long commutes provide plenty of time for self-reflection. So if you’re thinking about purchasing your first home, starting a new business or considering investing for a more comfortable retirement, listening to these life-changing financial podcasts could assist you to succeed.
1. She’s on the Money
There’s a very good reason this is Australia’s most popular podcast about money. Host Victoria Devine is relatable, knowledgeable and a fantastic communicator. She’s on the Money is an award-winning podcast all about building a supportive community of women who are empowered about finding their financial freedom. With foolproof tips from a millennial money expert, listening to this podcast can help take the fear out of finances and give you the resources to make better money decisions for the rest of your life.
2. What the Finance
Part of the Mamamia family, What the Finance is a short-run podcast that hits on the biggest money topics of concern for regular Australians. Financial expert and author Melissa Browne answers questions you’ve been desperate to ask, including:
- Do I really need four bank accounts?
- Is it worth taking on a side hustle?
- Does superannuation really matter when I’m young?
- Do I need private health insurance?
- And the big one: are my toxic money habits really my fault?
In addition to the eight-week series, there are a number of bonus episodes that cover what you can claim on tax, how to avoid holiday scams and more.
3. This is Money
A more laid-back and conversational podcast, This is Money, formerly known as My Millennial Money goes beyond the everyday financial woes and dives a little deeper into how you can build your wealth over the long term. Co-hosts Glen James and John Pidgeon offer easy-to-follow tips that will help everyone from Gen Z to retirees, as they tackle topics like ETFs (exchange traded funds), the Federal Budget and building a diversified investment portfolio.
4. You Need a Budget
Being a financially healthy individual starts and ends with your money decisions. You Need a Budget (YNAB) is a podcast that shines a light on all the ways you could be improving your financial situation with just a few small, everyday changes. As the name suggests, it caters to listeners who need a bit of extra support around how to make good financial decisions – especially if you want to get out of debt, save more money or get away from your current paycheque-to-paycheque lifestyle.
5. Side Hustle Nation
If you’ve ever spent your commute day-dreaming about starting your own business, then Side Hustle Nation is a must-listen. Don’t be put off by the American production – the host Dave Loper provides information that isn’t restricted by location. It’s all about giving you ideas, actionable steps and guidance to help you start – and eventually grow – your own successful business. We recommend taking a look at the episode list and choosing one with a guest from your favourite industry.
Experts on your device
No matter what your financial goals are, getting help from the experts on these podcasts can give you the tools and knowledge to help protect the financial wellbeing of you and your loved ones. Another strategy to consider to help protect all the things you’ve worked so hard for, is to have the right amount of life insurance.
Guardian Insurance offers different types of life insurance policies to help you find the right cover for your needs, so you can get on with your day-to-day life knowing you and your loved ones are covered. Get a quote online or call 1300 709 560 today.
17 Aug 2022